測試 NetApp FS2050 (III)

選擇 Volume -> Add 來新增一個新的分割
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Volume 可以選擇三種, Flexible, Traditional, Cache 等, 一般來說只要選擇 Flexible 比較合適, 順道列出針對每個 Volume type Net app 自己的解釋
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Flexible volumes allow you to manage the logical layer of the file system independently of the physical layer of storage. Multiple flexible volumes can exist within a single separate, physically defined aggregate structure of disks and RAID groups. Flexible volumes contained by the same aggregate share the physical storage resources, RAID configuration, and plex structure of that aggregate.

Traditional volumes behave identically to volumes in Data ONTAP releases prior to version 7.0. They combine the physical layer of storage (the disk and RAID properties) with the logical layer of the file system (the volumes and any other containers that are used to store files and directories).

Cache volumes allow you to keep copies of primarily read-only files on multiple filers to reduce overhead caused by bandwidth or distance limitations. A flexible or traditional volume is needed as the primary copy on a remote host. Cache volumes can be created that reference the primary copy, or remote volume, and store their own copy locally to reduce access latency.

設定一些 Volume 的參數, Language 會預設帶出 Root Volume 的值, Volume 建立後隨意的可能更換會導致某些檔案無法讀取.
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接下來選擇剛剛建立好的 Aggregate
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選擇好預定給的大小, SnapShot 可以選擇是內含還是外加(好像所得稅), 預設值是給 20%
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最後一個步驟就是給顯示出彙總資料, 選擇 Commit 就建立一個新的 volume
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到此為止還沒有辦法在 Windows 直接分享到這個服務, 所以必須要在 CIFS -. Configure -> Setup Wizard 把分享開啟. Ps. Windows 的分享是走 CIFS 的通訊協定
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選擇要分享的名稱與敘述, Windows Server 就填寫 Domain controller 吧, 方便向下相容.
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接下來是使用者的驗證方式, 測試環境內有 AD Domain, 就直接選擇了, 不過只有 windows 2000 可選, 不知道在 Windows 2003 / 2008 的環境是否可以相容.
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Domain Name 就填寫環境的 Domain Name, Password 填寫的是 domain administrator. 應該有 Domain admins 權限的人應該也可以
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分享格式選 NTFS, 因為可以套用 AD 的權限設定
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一樣的, 設定完成後還是會有的彙總畫面出來, 選擇 Commit 後就建立了一個新的分享.
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接下來要把這個分享 Share 出來. 選擇 CIFS -> Share -> 輸入以下的參數, 就大功告成, Mount Point 的觀念其實跟 Unix 的觀念是相同的, 據說 NetApp 的核心也是由 Linux 改版來的.
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在本機環境連線到 NetApp 主機就可以直接看到這個分享了.
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