如何在 SharePoint 嵌入影片

當然首先要取得影片的崁入碼,Youtube 的取得方式是點到影片,選分享->崁入就可以得到這一段崁入碼

Get Youtube Embed Code
Get Youtube Embed Code


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xY_MUB8adEQ&w=560&h=315]

而用 VIMP 則點選影片左上方的分享按鈕,再選擇 Embed 就會出現崁入碼,這個碼是很長一串,複製時要記得全部都要複製到喔.

Get VIMP Embed Code
Get VIMP Embed Code


Get Embed Code from UDN
Get Embed Code from UDN

選擇好崁入碼後就打開一個 Notepad 把崁入碼貼上去,通常這一段碼是不會斷行的,請留意一下格式,接下來存檔給個有意義的檔名喔。

Paste the Embed Code into a txt file
Paste the Embed Code into a txt file

之後把各個文件上傳到 SharePoint 去,沒錯是把這個文字檔上傳上去,上傳的路徑可以隨意指定但為求管理方便,請上傳到統一的路徑去。

Upload the text file to SharePoint library
Upload the text file to SharePoint library


接下來到要顯示的頁面去編輯,新增一個內容編輯器(content editor)的 WebPart

Insert a content editor webpart in SharePoint
Insert a content editor webpart in SharePoint


Paste the shortcut of the text file to content editor webpart
Paste the shortcut of the text file to content editor webpart

同時在進階的標題 URL 打入這個影片的網站,方便觀看的時候也可以有連結回到原始的頁面。

Add source link for webpart title
Add source link for webpart title

這樣影片就乖乖的崁入在 SharePoint 頁面

youtube embeded into sharepoint page
youtube embeded into sharepoint page




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